Friday, 10 April 2009

The Target Culture. Are you a victim?

"Pressure, pressure, pressure" to meet the four-hour A&E waiting time target.

'Several doctors recounted occasions where managers had asked them to leave seriously ill patients to treat minor ailments so the target could be met.

One gave an example of being asked to leave a heart attack patient being given life-saving treatment.

Nurses reported leaving meetings in tears after being told their jobs were at risk after breaching the target.

And the watchdog concluded patients were sometimes "dumped" into wards near A&E with little nursing care so the target could be met. This led to delays in things such as x-rays as well as putting patients at risk'

Does this remind you of somewhere you work?


Professionals please ignore the mangers.

The public are finally waking up to their schemes.

Managers only care about the numbers.

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